
Logged Data*
The previous 128 days of data are accessible with the MATE. The data is logged each night at
midnight. Be sure the MATE’s clock is set to the correct local time (refer to your MATE manual).
* Data Logging
User Adjustable Set Points
• Battery charge factor (65-100%) [see page 29]
• Battery bank capacity 0-10000 amp hours
• Shunt A, B, C—enabled or disabled
• Absorb volts (0-80.0 volts, the maximum voltage the battery can absorb)
• Return amps (0-500.0A, the maximum current amperage going into the battery)
• Parameters met timer (0-240 minutes, the amount of time allowed to recharge)
• AUX Relay Set Points
Manual-On, Auto, Manual-O —allows the user to turn the Aux Relay on and
o like a manual switch or to set it to Auto and have it function when certain
conditions are met
Volts HI—when user determined high voltage value is met, the Aux activates
Volts LO—the Aux activates when a low voltage value is met
SOC (State-of-Charge) HI—a high state-of-charge activates the Aux
SOC (State-of-Charge) LO—a low state-of-charge activates the Aux
HI Delay—the user can adjust the high set point delay time (in minutes)
LO Delay—the user can adjust the low set point delay time (in minutes)
AUX-INVERT LOGIC—the invert logic function can be activated with a YES or
NO command (see page 16)