Autosetup automatically retunesyour TV.This featureis usefulif,for example,you movehouseand wishto retuneyour TV toreceive
the local stations.
Press the SETUP menu button
Move to Tuning menu option
Access Tuning menu
Move to Auto setup
Access Auto setup
Press to confirm start
Select your co untry
D Ifyouproceedwiththenextstepalltuningdata
will be erased (all stations and their programme
positions stored in your TV’s memory will be
wiped out so the new settings can be stored).
If you exit the procedure after this point and
before Auto setup is complete, no station
information will be stored . Restart and complete
the Auto setup procedure so that the TV is
Press to start Auto setup
TheTVwill searchfor,locate, storeandthen sortinto
order your local stations.
programme data will be sent to the VCR via Q-- Link
(see page 20).
Once this operation is completed the TV will
displaytheprogrammenowstoredo nprogramme
position 1.
Press the TV/AV button at any time to go back to
watching TV (please read the Note in the above
Tuning menu --- Auto setup