Press the MULTI WINDOW button (whilst the on screen selector keys are on screen) to move between
watching thecurrent programme, the picture in picture feature, picture out of picture and picture and
picture feature.
The on screen selector keys (corresponding to the four coloured buttons on the remote control) that
appear for thefeatures clear after a few seconds. If you want to selectan o peration when the keys arenot
shown, press the MULTI WINDOW buttononcemoreandthekeyswillreappear.
Picture and picture
Allows two pictures to beviewed atthe same time.
Pressthe green button to select the contents of the
right window, switching between disp laying a TV
channel and all AV sources in turn. To change the
TV channel: press the green key until the currently
selectedTV channelis shown,then usethe remote
control to change channel (while the on screen
selector keys are still displayed).
Presstheyellow button to swap thecontents of the
two windows.
Usethe remotecontrol to selecta TVchannel oran
AV source to appear in the left window.
Picture in picture
Allows two pictures to beviewed atthe same time.
Pressthe green button to select the contents of the
smaller window, switching between displaying a
TV channel and all AV sources in turn. To change
the TV channel: press the green key until the
currently selected TV channel is shown, then use
theremotecontroltochangechannel(while theon
screen selector keys are still displayed).
Press the red button to reposition the smaller
picture on screen.
Presstheyellow button to swap thecontents of the
two windows.
Usethe remotecontrol to selecta TVchannel oran
AV source to appear in the main window.
Picture out of picture
Only available in 4:3 aspect mo de, this feature
allows two programmes to be viewed at the same
time, as picture in picture does. The difference is
howthetwo programmesaredisplayed:inpicture
in picture the smaller window appears within the
main image; in picture out of picture the smaller
window appears to the right of the main image.
Pressthe green button to select the contents of the
smaller window, switching between displaying a
TV channel and all AV sources in turn. To change
the TV channel: press the green key until the
currently selected TV channel is shown, then use
theremotecontroltochangechannel(while theon
screen selector keys are still displayed).
Presstheyellow button to swap thecontents of the
two windows.
Usethe remotecontrol to selecta TVchannel oran
AV source to appear in the main window.
Picture out of picture mode
The two programmes have been
swapped, the programme in the
smaller window has become the
main window programme.
Picture and picture mode
Picture in picture mode
Multi window