Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]
The settings relating to alarm occurrences such as settings for the alarm action at an alarm occurrence, the VMD
area settings, and the alarm occurrence notification can be configured on this page.
Configure the settings relating to the alarm action [Alarm]
Click the [Alarm] tab on the "Alarm" page. (☞Pages13and14:Howtodisplay/operatethesetupmenu)
The settings relating to the alarm can be configured in this section.
■ Alarm
[VMD alarm]
When clicking "VMD >>", the [VMD area] tab of the
"Alarm" page will be displayed.
[Command alarm]
receive the command alarm.
The command alarm is the function that provides notifi-
cation of a Panasonic protocol alarm from the other
performed between multiple cameras.
[Originating port number]
Select a port number to be used to receive the com-
mand alarm.
Refer to the help window to infomation about the
unavailable port number.
Available range: 1 - 65535
Default: 8181