Configure the settings relating to Panasonic alarm protocol
Click the [Notification] tab on the "Alarm" page. (☞Pages13and14:Howtodisplay/operatethesetupmenu)
The settings relating to Panasonic alarm protocol can be configured in this section.
■ Panasonic alarm protocol notification
[Panasonic alarm protocol]
vide notification by e-mail according to the settings for
the "Alarm" checkboxes of "Destination of notification"
occurrence will be provided to the registered desti-
nation addresses in order (to IP address 1 first, to IP
address 8 last).
[Destination port]
Select a destination port for the Panasonic alarm proto-
col from the following.
Refer to the help window to infomation about the
unavailable port number.
Available range: 1 - 65535
Default: 1818
[Retry times]
Select a retry time for the Panasonic alarm protocol.
Available range: 0-30
Default: 2
■ Destination of notification
[Address 1] to [Address 8]
Enter the destination IP address of the Panasonic alarm
protocol from the following. Host name is unavailable
for the IP address. Up to 8 destination addresses can
be registered.
"Alarm" checkbox: When the checkbox is checked,
the Panasonic alarm notification will be provided
upon an alarm occurrence.
"Destination IP address" checkbox: Enter the desti-
nation address.
To delete the registered IP address, click the [Delete]
button respective to the desired IP address.
tered correctly. When a registered destination does
not exist, notification may be delayed.