2. After the prompt to “Say a command”, press Settings and select from:
Digit Dialling If the phone cannot consistently recognise numbers that you are say-
ing, select Adapt Digits to make recordings to teach the system your
voice. Select Reset Digits to restore the original recognition software.
Sensitivity If the phone cannot recognise most of your commands, change sensi-
tivity toward Reject Less. If the phone recognises too many mis-
matches, change sensitivity toward Reject More.
Select Commands or Names. Then scroll up or down to change the
Choice Lists Choose whether the phone presents choices when the phone does not
recognise your command.
Sound Switch on or off the playback of prompts, names and digits. Select
Name Settings to change the speed or volume of name playback.
Language Choose from the list of languages that the software will use for audio
prompts, text screens, and your voice recognition.
Check to select menu items from the list to open using Open Applica-
Each time Voice Commands is opened, it checks your Contacts list for
name additions or edits, and if so, automatically reloads the list. If the
list is large, the reload requires more time. Select Configure to choose
Automatic or Manual reloading.
About Copyright information about the voice recognition software.