Store names, phone numbers, email, web and street addresses, even a picture in a
Contact card. Call and send messages directly from Contacts. Numbers can also be
stored on your SIM card. See Entering Text on page 23 to learn how to enter text.
Check your recent missed calls, received calls, and dialled numbers in the Call Log.
Contacts menu contains these main options:
From Contacts menu:
1. Open Create New.
2. Select PhoneBook to store the entry in phone memory or SIM
to store the entry on your SIM card.
• Unlike an entry saved to phone memory, a SIM directory entry
consists of only one name and one phone number. If you select
SIM, enter the Name and No., then press Done.
3. Enter information in main fields:
First name Telephone
Last name Mobile
Company Fax
Job title Email
4. From main fields, press Options to:
5. Press Done to save entry.
Contacts Create New Call Log
Add picture Place picture from your Pictures folder into the card.
Add or Delete
Choose desired fields and icons from list including Job title, Telephone,
Tel. (home), Tel. (business), 3 mobile, 3 fax, pager numbers, 3 Email
fields, 3 Web addresses, 3 street address fields, DTMF tones, Birthday,
and Note.
Edit label Change the field name.
Note: See SIM Directory on page 34 to create and copy entries into your SIM directory.