C-2 January 1997 3160-A2-GB21-50
DTE Interface
Configuration Options
These configuration options are
only available for 2-port and
4-port DSU/CSUs.
Table C-1
(1 of 2)
DTE Interface Configuration Options
DTE Port: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) Port. Enables the use of the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) port.
Enab – Allows the use of the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.
Disab – Prohibits the use of the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.
NOTE: When this configuration option is disabled, you cannot display or configure any other DTE Interface
configuration options. If the clock source configuration option is set to DTE, it is changed to NET.
DTE Framing: ESF (Factory 1) D4 (Factory 2)
Next D4 ESF Prev
DTE Line Framing Format. Designates the framing format for the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.
D4 – Configures for the D4 framing format.
ESF – Configures for the Extended Superframe framing format.
DTE Coding: B8ZS (Factory 1) AMI (Factory 2)
Next AMI B8ZS Prev
DTE Line Coding Format. Designates the line coding format to be used on the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.
AMI – Uses the Alternate Mark Inversion coding format.
B8ZS – Uses the Bipolar 8 Zero Suppression coding format.
Equal: 0—133
Next 0—133 133—266 266—399 399—533 533—655 Prev
DTE Line Equalization. Specifies the DTE line equalization compensation parameters that permit a standard DTE
Drop/Insert (DSX-1) signal to be delivered over a distance of up to 655 feet.