C-16 January 1997 3160-A2-GB21-50
Table C-6
(2 of 2)
General Configuration Options
Tst Timeout: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Test Timeout. Specifies whether user-initiated loopback and pattern tests have durations that are specified by the
Tst Duration configuration option.
Enab – Loopback and pattern tests initiated on the DSU/CSU have specified durations.
Disab – Disables test timeout. The tests are terminated manually.
NOTE: For DSU/CSUs that are remotely managed through an inband data stream such as EDL or FDL, the
recommended setting is Enab. If tests are inadvertently left in the active state, the Enab setting will allow the test
to timeout (terminate) after a specified time.
Tst Duration: 10
Next Up Down Save Prev
Test Duration. Specifies the duration (1 to 120 minutes) of user-initiated loopback and pattern tests. (The Tst Timeout
configuration option must be set to Enab.) Use the left or right arrow key to position the cursor on the digit you want to
change. Use the Function keys (Up or Down) to increment or decrement the digit.
Up – Increments the test duration.
Down – Decrements the test duration.
Save – Stores the test duration.