033 Bar code density is invalid. See "Defining Bar Code
Fields" in Chapter 3 for the bar code density chart.
040 Line thickness must be 0 - 99 dots.
041 Line direction must be 0, 90, 180, or 270.
042 End row is invalid. Line segment or box end row is
defined outside of printable area.
043 End column is invalid. Line segment or box end column
is defined outside of printable area.
044 Dot pattern for line or box must be "".
045 Line length is defined beyond the maximum length.
See "Defining Line Fields" in Chapter 3 for valid lengths.
046 Line type must be S (segment) or V (vector).
Batch Errors
101 The format referenced by batch is not in memory.
102 Print quantity is outside the range 0 - 32000.
104 Batch mode must be N (new) or U (update).
105 Batch separator in a batch control field must be 0 (Off).
106 Print multiple is outside the range 0 - 32000.
108 Multiple part supply is outside the range 1 - 5.