The table represents the defined immediate command control
character as ^ and the defined status polling control character as
d. You may define these characters to suit your needs.
To use the immediate command control
character or the status polling character
within your data, use the tilde sequence.
Clearing Packets from Memory
You may want to remove packets from the printer to increase
memory storage capacity or if the formats/fonts are no longer
needed. In some cases, turning the printer off may clear the
packets from memory. If not, send a format clear packet.
1. header Identifies the packet. Options:
A Check Digit Scheme
F Format
G Graphic
W Font
2. packet# Identification number of the packet to clear (1 - 999) or font
number (0 - 9999). 0 is for all fonts.
3. action Enter C to clear the packet.
4. device Storage device. Use R (Volatile RAM)
Clears Format #1 from volatile RAM.
Configuring the Printer