
Pelco Manual C1456M-D (10/98) 33
In certain situations, the dome will respond as follows:
If a preset has not been set, but an alarm is connected: the dome will go to a
factory preset that will not be the desired position.
If one alarm is a preset and another is a pattern and both are received: the
dome will alternate between them.
An alarm clears by returning to its former (off) state.
Depending on choices made on the programming menu, the dome can respond to
an alarm by running one of the patterns below. (Refer to Section 5.7, PATTERNS,
for more information.)
Run full pattern
Run half pattern 1
Run half pattern 2
When sequencing between presets, the dwell time depends on the time set on the
Alarm Dwell submenu for that preset. After the dwell time expires, the dome imme-
diately does one of the following:
If the resume feature was selected on the programming menu and there are
no other alarms activated, the dome resumes its prior activity. So, it might
return to its previous position or resume a scan or pattern.
If there are other alarms activated, the dome goes to them.
If you move the joystick to pan or tilt the dome, or if you issue a lens command while
there is an alarm, the pan and tilt or lens command overrides the alarm. Sixty sec-
onds after the last pan and tilt or lens command, the dome will return to the alarm
preset if the alarm is still active.
An AUX 1 command from the controller will activate the relay in the dome and
operate the device that is connected to the relay. The relay will remain latched until
a clear command is issued.
An AUX 2 command from the controller will place a ground at the output of AUX 2 to
operate the device that is connected to it. The output will remain latched until a clear
command is issued. Refer to Section 3.4, BACK BOX CONNECTIONS, for precau-
tions regarding the use of the AUX 2 output.
The output relay can also be programmed so that it is activated when any alarm
input is activated. When latching (toggling) is selected on the programming menu,
giving the AUX 1 command from the controller changes the state of the AUX (for
example, if it was on, this turns it off). The clear command from the controller will
turn the AUX off in the latching or toggle mode.
5.10 PARK
If the Spectra
(Version 3.0) dome does not receive any commands for a specified
period of time (refer to Section 5.11.22, PARK TIME MINUTES), the dome will go to
preset 1 and park. If the time specified is zero, or if preset 1 has not been pro-
grammed, the dome will not park. The default is zero minutes.