Pelco Manual C1456M-D (10/98) 5
C1456M-D 8/98 Manual name changed to Spectra
(Software Version
3.0). In Section 2.2, revised the certifications. In Section
5.1, added information about selectable power-up mode.
In Section 5.2, revised information about high zoom in
turbo mode. Added Section 5.2.2, Scan Speed. In Section
5.6, added zone blanking information. In Section 5.7,
revised pattern material and added a note. In Section 5.8,
made extensive revisions and additions to material on
alarms. In Section 5.9, added material on programming
for AUX. In Section 5.11, added features to the list and
revised the menu structure. Changed the Main Menu
Access section number from 5.11.15 to 5.11.1, altering all
subsequent 5.11 section numbering. Added the following
sections to document new menu items: 5.11.12 (Power
Up Mode), 5.11.13 (AUX Mode), 5.11.14 (Alarm
Resume), 5.11.15 (Alarm Dwell), 5.11.16 (Alarm Priority),
5.11.17 (Alarm Pattern), and 5.11.18 (Zone Blank). In
Section 5.11.20, revised information about high zoom in
turbo mode. Moved the section on park time minutes
(new number 5.11.22) after the section on limit stops
(new number 5.11.21). Added the following sections to
document new menu items: 5.11.23 (Scan Speed) and
5.11.24 (Pattern Length). Added material in Section 6.0.
In Section 8.0, revised pan speed under Mechanical,
weights under General, and removed NTSC color camera
material under Camera.
10/98 Revised Section 6.0, Troubleshooting.