
16 C1566M-C (10/05)
You should perform a basic LED check before you connect any video input or output to the matrix bay. The LED check allows you to make sure that
the system is operating properly.
1. Turn on the power switch on the rear of the matrix bay. The front cover can either be open or closed during the LED check.
2. Various LEDs will blink during the initialization process as the software veriļ¬es communication and version level information. Once the
initialization process is complete, continue to step 3.
3. Make sure that the appropriate LEDs are illuminated, as described in Table A.
4. Make sure that the red CF LED on each video input card is off. If this LED is illuminated on any input card, reseat the card. If the problem
continues, replace with a known good video input card. If this LED is illuminated on all of the video input cards, there may be a problem
with the primary monitor output card (in slot 18). Reseat the primary monitor card. If the problem continues, replace with a known good
monitor card.
5. Make sure that the red VF and PF LEDs on the power supply are off.
6. If the LEDs are properly illuminated, install all video inputs and outputs.
Table A.
LEDs Illuminated During a Basic Check
Refer to Table H and Table I in the
for additional information on the LEDs and troubleshooting information.
The initialization process should take approximately 30 seconds, unless the primary CM9780-VMC monitor card is updating
software on the other monitor card or on the CM9780-VCC video cards. The software update process takes several minutes.
Front Panel Label Color Diagnostic Check
Power Supply
+ Green On.
- Green On.
Monitor Output Card (CM9780-VMC)
+ Green On.
- Green On.
HB Amber Blinks at a one-second rate.
RX Amber Blinks during normal system operation as switching commands are sent and polled.
MP Amber Blinks during normal system operation.
The amber FP, CP, and BP LEDs will blink on start-up, but should not remain illuminated.
Video Input Card (CM9780-VCC)
+ Green On.
- Green On.
HB Amber Blinks at a one-second rate.
VL Red
This is the video loss LED, and it should be illuminated because there are no video signals coming into the
rear panel yet. During normal operation this LED should be off.
The amber CD LED may blink on start-up, but should not remain illuminated.