
44 C1566M-C (10/05)
To expand the matrix video outputs beyond 32, you can loop the video from the first CM9780-MXB to subsequent CM9780-MXB units for an
additional 32 monitor outputs on each matrix bay. You can also loop the video using CM9700-VPPs and DVRs. Refer to Figure 34 and Figure 35.
You can connect a maximum of eight bays in a downframing configuration for a total MXB capacity of 256 monitors; in addition, you can increase
monitor capacity further by using MDA units, for a total single-node system capacity of 512 monitors.
Set the termination jumpers on the CM9780-DFC cards in the unterminated position in each bay that is not the final device. Terminate the video
signal at the final point in the downframe configuration, which could be either of the following:
If you are not looping video out from the final bay, terminate the video in the final bay.
If you are looping video to another device (such as a DVR, VCR, or switcher), terminate the video signal at the final device.
The DFC card termination jumpers are illustrated in Figure 10 in the Installation section.
Figure 34. Downframing with DFC Cards