Trekker - Squab
Removing the cylinder
and piston
- Remove the cylinder and cylinder-to-
crankcase gasket.
- Pack the crankcase mouth with
clean cloth or paper.
- Lean the engine to the left and take
out the wrist pin’s RH snap ring.
- Push the wrist pin from the left to the
right; this opération does not require
use of a strap.
- Take out the needie bearing race.
Opening the crankcase
- Remove the 6 screws securing the
RH crankcase half.
- Fit the crankshaft end protector
68007 onto the end of the crankshaft.
- Position the puller tool 750807 onto
the crankcase half.
- Turn the inner thrust bolt of tool
750807 until the crankcase halves
split Hold the connecting rod so that it
does not knock against the crankcase
- Remove the RH half casing.
- Remove the gasket and both
locating dowls. Remove the drive
shaft of the oil pump and its locating
Changing the bearings
and seals
- Heat the crankcase halves evenly to
90° so that they expand. The bearings
will drop out, drive out the seals.
- Fit the new bearings while the
crankcase halves are still warm.
- Fit the oil seals in place.
- The oil seal on the drive pulley side
should fit flush with the crankcase, the
lips being on the fl.ywheel housing
side. The seal on the flywheel side
should be approximately 9mm in.
If the crankshaft bearings remain on
the crankshaft; use the puller tool
64706 with the half shells 64709 (diam
= 52) to remove them. Do not forget
to fit the crankshaft end protector
69098 onto the ends of the crankshaft.
Removing the crankshaft
- Fit the crankshaft end protector
69098 onto the end of the crankshaft.
-Fit puller tool 647706 with the plate
752168 onto the crankcase.
- Secure the plate to the crankcage by
tightening the 4 screws.
- Withdraw the crankshaft by turning
the inner thrust bolt of tool 64706.
Checking the crankshaft
- The maximum side play of the
conrod big end should not exceed:
- Check crankshaft alignement as
shown in the drawing (surface plate
750541, comparator 750969
The values measured at the ends
should not exceed 0.12mm.