Trekker - Squab
Rdl 12,35x19,75x1
Make careful note of where this tool
comes level with the starter ring gear
plate of the starter motor in order to
make sure, when refitting, that the
pressure plate fits correcte into the
grooves of the crankshaft.
- Loosen the fastening nut (right-hand
thread) of the gear plate of the drive
- Remove the nut, washer and plate.
- Remove the belt.
- Remove the drive pulley assembly
(variable speed drive) and the washer
on the engine housing side (12,35 X
19,75 X 1).
- Block the clutch drum with the fly-
wheel pinch bolt no.68570 or the ad-
justable pin type face wrench 752237.
- Loosen the screw, remove the drum
and the clutch driven pulley assembly.
Removal of the kick
starter system
- Actuate the kick starter spindle with
your thumb and remove the drive
ratchet and its washer.
- Remove the kickstarter lever. Using
snipe-nosed pliers (ref. 69117), take
off the circlips, the washer, then
remove the kick starter toothed
section, the pull-back spring and the
Removing the cylinder
- Unscrew in a crosswise order the 4
screws securing the cylinder head and
cylinder block assembly.
- Remove the cylinder head and
Dismantling the
transmission case
After draining the transmission case:
- Remove the 5 screws securing the
- Remove the cover with the drive
shaft (or input shaft), the gasket and
both locating dowls.
- Removal of the drive shaft (or input
shaft) from the transmission cover is
done using a mallet.
- Remove the thrust washer from the
counter shaft (14.3x26xO.5).
- Drain the transmission case
completely before removing the final
shaft (or output shaft) in order to avoid
contamining brake linings.
- Pull out the final shaft (output shaft).
- Pull out the countershaft as well as
its friction washers (1 4.3 x 26 x 0.5)
and flexible washer (1 4 x 22 x 1.5).