Technical Specifications
AXIS 5900 User’s Manual 139
Logical Printers Logical printer ports can be programmed to perform auto ASCII to
PostScript conversion, add string before and after job, string substitution,
alternative output and character set conversion
RF Specifications Unlicenced 2.4 GHz frequency band, RX sensitivity - 70 dBm, TX power 0
dBm (class 2)
Frequency bands and
Europe: 2.412-2.472 GHz, channels 1-13
France: 2.457-2.472 GHz, channels 10-13 (indoor use only)
Japan: 2.484 GHz, channel 14
USA/Canada: 2.412-2.462 GHz, channels 1-11
Security Password protected configuration
SSL/TLS support for HTTPS security
NetWare: Encrypted passwords, NetWare Packet Signature Level 1, 2, 3
Option to disable protocols
Wireless 64 or 128 bit WEP encryption
Print Server
AXIS ThinWizard for installation, configuration, monitoring and
firmware upgrading of multiple units
Bonjour support for quick and easy installation in Mac OS X evironments
AXIS AddPrinter for easy and automated installation in Windows
Internal Web pages or FTP for installation, configuration, monitoring and
firmware upgrading
SNMP-MIB II compliant (RFC 1213), Axis private enterprise MIB included
Netware: Full PCONSOLE, NWAdmin, ConsoleOne and iPrint-iManager
Supported Languages English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish
Firmware Upgrade Firmware upgrade using AXIS ThinWizard, the print server’s Web pages
or FTP
Supported Languages English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish