Product Overview
8 AXIS 5900 User’s Manual
Section 2 Product Overview
Package Contents
Verify that nothing is missing from the AXIS 5900 print server package
by using the check list below. Please contact your dealer if anything is
missing or damaged. All packing materials are recyclable.
AXIS Network Product CD
The AXIS Network Product CD provides an easy-to-use electronic catalog,
that includes Axis software, firmware and user documentation. If your
computer is set to French, German, Italian or Spanish, the information
will automatically be presented in that language, otherwise you will see
the English version.
To read the PDF documents you need an Acrobat Reader, which can be
fetched at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html
Start-up procedures
for Windows
If your computer is configured to autostart CDs, the AXIS Network
Product CD will start automatically when inserted into a local CD drive on
Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP platforms. You can also navigate to
the CD root directory and start the index.htm file from within the
Windows file manager.
Hardware Model Part Numbers
Axis Print Server AXIS 5900 0158-001-01
Media Title Part Numbers
CD AXIS Network Product CD 22965
Warranty Sheet Warranty Axis Servers 21681
Printed Material User’s Guide AXIS 5900 19091
Power Adapter Model PS-H Part Number
Australia 19111
Europe 19108
Korea 19112
UK 19109
USA / Japan 19110
Optional Accessories (not included in box) Part Numbers
Parallel Printer Cable 13360
Self-adhesive velcro ribbons 13282 & 13283
Ensure that the print server’s Power Adapter is marked with the correct
voltage! Refer to the tables above for details.