Spare Parts List
EN 33FHP PDP 10.
9.3 List of abbreviations
ADM Address driver module
Burn-in rack Test equipment of the shelf test in
which the PDP unit is left to stand in
drive condition
CPU The unit for controlling the circuit
DOXE The control voltage for even-
numbered lines in the X direction
DOXO The control voltage for odd-numbered
lines in the X direction
DOYSD Used in the drive voltage in the Y
direction (down)
DOYSU Used in the drive voltage in the Y
direction (up)
External power ON Running the external powers (Vcc, Va,
Vs) on the designated voltage. Unless
otherwise specified
External power OFF Making the external powers (Vcc, Va,
Vs) to stop their operation completely.
Unless otherwise specified
Flexible cable The cable to connect the electric
circuit to the panel
Flicker Continuous switching between bright
and dark views by the PDP itself
Gradation Shading of the display colour
OPUMP The name of a circuit where the
current from X/Y-SUS is returned
Oscilloscope A device that allows the flow and
strength of the running current to be
visually checked and measured
Panel The indication part of the plasma
display panel (PDP)
Panel voltage The voltage required operating the
PDP normally
Parts Each PC board and parts mounted in
the PC boards
PDP Plasma display panel abbreviated
Probe A cable with contact finger that can
transfer the status of the electric circuit
to be measured to an oscilloscope
Protection cover A cover made of aluminium to protect
the PDP entirely during test
ROM Memory that stores the drive
sequence and other data
SCAVIO Scaler Control Audio Video Output &
SDM Scan driver module
Tapping Light impact
Unit of COM The unit of circuits connected to the
panel with flexible cable (YCOM UP/
DOWN, X-BUS UP/DOWN, address
sections, the unit of PC boards in
ACOM 1 to 5).
Va The power supply at 60 V, which is
used to write data on the panel
Vcc The power supply at 5 V, which is used
to operate the logic section mainly
Vs The power supply ranging from 127 V
to 180 V, which is used to maintain
display data. In addition, this can serve
as the primary side for the secondary
voltage (Vw, -Vy, Vsc)
Solid white A condition when the screen display is
entirely white
X-SUS The name of the circuit that controls
the panel operation in the X direction
YCOM The circuit used to output a panel Y
line selection signal and the voltage of
a display data keep signal
YCOMDV The name of the panel drives voltage
signal output from YCOM UP/DOWN
Y-SUS The name of the circuit that controls
the panel operation in the Y direction
10. Spare Parts List
For spare parts list see chapter 5