Consult the table in this user manual for the correct processing
Thoroughly clean the parts that come into contact with food
before you use the appliance for the rst time.
Noise level: Lc= 85 dB(A).
Electromagnetic elds (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding
electromagnetic elds (EMF). If handled properly and according to the
instructions in this user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on
scientic evidence available today.
Læs denne brugsvejledning omhyggeligt igennem, inden apparatet tages i
brug, og gem den til eventuelt senere brug.
Kontrollér, om den angivne netspænding på apparatet svarer til den
lokale netspænding, før du slutter strøm til apparatet.
Tilslut aldrig dette apparat til en timerkontakt for at undgå farlige
Brug ikke apparatet hvis netledning, stik eller andre dele er
Hvis netledningen beskadiges, må den kun udskiftes af Philips, et
autoriseret Philips-serviceværksted eller en tilsvarende kvaliceret
fagmand for at undgå enhver risiko.
Hold apparatet uden for børns rækkevidde.
Tillad aldrig børn at bruge apparatet uden opsyn.
Lad aldrig apparatet køre uden opsyn.
Sluk altid for apparatet ved at dreje kontrolknappen til 0.
Sluk for apparatet før tilbehør tages af.
Tag altid stikket ud af stikkontakten straks efter brug.
Motorenheden må ikke kommes ned i vand eller andre væsker eller
skylles under vandhanen.
Stik aldrig ngre eller redskaber (f.eks. spatlen) ned i
påfyldningstragten, når apparatet kører. Brug kun nedstopperen til
dette formål.
Read this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save it
for future reference.
Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the
local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
Never connect this appliance to a timer switch in order to avoid a
hazardous situation.
Do not use the appliance if the mains cord, the plug or other parts
are damaged.
If the mains cord is damaged, you must have it replaced by Philips, a
service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualied persons in
order to avoid a hazard.
Keep the appliance out of the reach of children.
Do not allow children to use the appliance without supervision.
Never let the appliance run unattended.
Always switch off the appliance by turning the control knob to 0.
Switch off the appliance before you detach any accessory.
Unplug the appliance immediately after use.
Never immerse the motor unit in water or any other liquid, nor
rinse it under the tap.
Never use your ngers or an object (e.g. a spatula) to push
ingredients down the feed tube while the appliance is running.
Only use the pusher for this purpose.
Be very careful when you handle the blades or inserts. Be especially
careful when you remove them from the bowl or jar, when you
empty the bowl or jar and when you clean them. Their cutting
edges are very sharp.
Always unplug the appliance before you reach into the blender jar
with your ngers or an object (e.g. a spatula).
Wait until moving parts stop running before you remove the lid of
the bowl or jar.
Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or
that Philips does not specically recommend. If you use such
accessories or parts, your guarantee becomes invalid.
Do not exceed the maximum content indicated on the bowl or the
blender jar.