2 bay leaves
Put the blended ingredients in a pot and bring to the boil.
Add water, crème fraîche, dal, meat and herbs. Cook for 30 minutes
while stirring constantly.
If you want to prepare a larger quantity of soup, let the appliance
cool down for 60 minutes after processing the ingredients for each
HR7620: You can order a blender jar for your food processor under order
number 4203-065-50480. Contact your local Philips dealer.
Frisk frugtmilkshake
Blend ikke større mængder end angivet i denne opskrift på én gang.
Lad apparatet afkøle til stuetemperatur, før du fortsætter med at
100 g bananer eller jordbær
2 dl frisk mælk
50 g vaniljeis
Sukker efter behag
Skræl bananerne, eller skyl jordbærrene og fjern stilken. Skær
frugten i mindre stykker. Kom alle ingredienserne i blenderglasset.
Blendes til en blød konsistens.
Tips: Du kan lave din favorit milkshake med frisk frugt af enhver slags.
Nærende grøntsagssuppe fra Budapest
200 g majroer
200 g kartoer
300 g selleri
150 g gulerødder
vand (fyld op til 1 liter mærket)
Fresh fruit milkshake
Do not process more than the quantities indicated in this recipe in
one go. Let the appliance cool down to room temperature before
you continue processing.
100g bananas or strawberries
200ml fresh milk
50g vanilla ice cream
granulated sugar to taste
Peel the bananas or rinse and hull the strawberries. Cut the fruit
into smaller pieces. Put all the ingredients in the blender jar.
Blend until smooth.
Tip: You can use any fruit you like to make your favourite fresh fruit
Nourishing vegetable soup from Budapest
200g turnip
200g potatoes
300g celery
150g carrots
water (ll up to 1-litre indication)
Put the turnip, potatoes, celery, carrots and water in the blender in
this order. Blend the ingredients for 5 seconds for a coarse soup or
longer for a ner result.
150g dal (from can)
150g smoked pork
190g crème fraîche
15g parsley
fresh pepper
1.5 stock cubes