Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets
EN 66 L06.1E9.
D/K Monochrome TV system. Sound
carrier distance is 6.5 MHz. D= VHF-
band, K= UHF-band
DAC Digital to Analogue Converter
DAF Dynamic Astigmatism and Focusing; a
method to keep the electron spot
round and focused during the whole
DBE Dynamic Bass Enhancement; extra
low frequency amplification
DC Direct Current
DCC Dynamic Contrast Control
DC-filament Filament supply voltage
DEGAUSS Control line. Logic LOW to enable
CRT degaussing. Logic HIGH to
disable the CRT degaussing.
DFU Directions For Use: owner's manual
DNR Digital Noise Reduction; Noise
reduction feature of the set / Dynamic
Noise Reduction
DNR Digital Noise Reduction; Noise
reduction feature of the set / Dynamic
Noise Reduction
DOP Digital Output Processor (Part of
ADOC which takes care of RGB
control and deflection)
DPL Dolby Pro Logic
DPL Dolby Pro Logic
DRAM Dynamic RAM; dynamically refreshed
DRAM Dynamic RAM; dynamically refreshed
DS Digital Scan
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DST Dealer Service Tool; Special remote
control designed for dealers to enter
e.g. service mode (a DST-emulator is
available in ComPair)
DTS Digital Theatre Sound
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
DVI(-d)(-i) Digital Visual Interface (d= digital only)
(i= integrated); A digital video interface
to a display, designed to replace the
analogue YPbPr or RGB interface
DW Double Window
DYN-FASE-COR Dynamic phase correction, to correct
the phase of the H-drive
EEPROM Electrically Erasable and
Programmable Read Only Memory
EHT Extreme High Tension; the voltage
between the cathode and the shadow
mask that accelerates the electrons
towards the screen (around 25 kV)
EHT-INFO Extra High Tension INFOrmation,
used for contrast reduction, vertical
and horizontal amplitude correction,
beam current protection, and flash
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference;
Leakage of high-frequency radiation
from a transmission medium
EPG Electronic Program Guide; System
used by broadcasters to transmit TV
guide information (= NexTView)
EPLD Erasable Programmable Logic Device
EU EUrope
EW East West, related to horizontal
deflection of the set
EW-DRIVE East -West correction drive signal.
EXT EXTernal (source), entering the set by
SCART or by cinches (jacks)
FBL Fast Blanking: DC signal
accompanying RGB signals
FBL-SC1-IN Fast blanking signal for SCART1 in
FBL-SC2-IN Fast blanking signal for SCART2 in
FBL-TXT Fast Blanking Teletext
FBX Feature BoX; Part of the small signal
board /separate module which
contains 100 Hz processing, extra
features and AutoTV algorithms
(FBX6= based on PICNIC, FBX7=
based on PICNIC and Eagle, FBX8=
based on PICNIC, Eagle, and
FE Front End; Tuner and RF part together
Field Each interlaced broadcast FRAME is
composed of two Fields, each Field
consists of either Odd or Even lines
Filament Filament of CRT
FM Field Memory / Frequency Modulation
FM-Radio Radio receiver that can receive the FM
Band 87.5 - 108 MHz
FMR FM Radio
Frame A complete TV picture comprising all
lines (625/525)
FRAMEDRIVE - Differential frame (vertical) drive signal
FRAMEDRIVE + Differential frame (vertical) drive signal
FRC Frame Rate Converter
FRONT-C Front input chrominance (SVHS)
FRONT-DETECT Control line for detection of
headphone insertion, Service Mode
jumper, power failure detection
FRONT-Y_CVBS Front input luminance or CVBS
FTV Flat TeleVision
G-SC1-IN Green SCART1 in
G-SC2-IN Green SCART2 in
G-TXT Green teletext
Gb/s Giga bits per second
H H_sync to the module
H-2FH Horizontal sync input for the 2fH
H-A50 Horizontal Acquisition 1fH: horizontal
sync pulse coming out of the HIP
H-D100 Horizontal Drive 2fH; Horizontal sync
pulse coming out of the Feature Box
H-DRIVE Horizontal Drive
H-FLYBACK Horizontal Flyback
H-OUT H_sync output of the module /
Horizontal Output pulse
HA Horizontal Acquisition; horizontal sync
HD High Definition: 720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface,
digital audio and video interface
HEADPHONE-L Stereo headphone (Left) signal output.
HEADPHONE-R Stereo headphone (Right) signal
HFB Horizontal Flyback Pulse; Horizontal
sync pulse from large signal deflection
HP Head Phone
HW Hardware
I Monochrome TV system. Sound
carrier distance is 6.0 MHz. VHF- and
IAP IAP Tool (In Application
Programming): used to upload
software to a TV set without having to
remove flash ROMs
C Inter IC bus (also called IIC)
S Inter IC Sound bus
IC Integrated Circuit
IDRIVE- Vertical drive -
IDRIVE+ Vertical drive +
IF Intermediate Frequency