Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets
EN 68 L06.1E9.
RAM Random Access Memory
RC Remote Control transmitter
RC5 (6) Remote Control system 5 (6), the
signal from the remote control receiver
RDS Radio Data System (European); This
is an MPX signal carried in FM radio
channels (87.5 … 108 MHz)
RF Real Flat (picture tube) or Radio
RGB Red, Green, and Blue colour space;
The primary colour signals for TV. By
mixing levels of R, G, and B, all colours
(Y/C) are reproduced
RGBHV Red, Green, Blue, Horizontal sync,
and Vertical sync
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer; A
processor architecture based on ultra-
high speed processing technology that
uses a far simpler set of operating
commands than a normal
microprocessor does
RMS Root Mean Square value
ROM Read Only Memory
S Surround channel or mono surround
channel (audio)
SALSA System Application for Low Segment
of Analogue TV
SAM Service Alignment Mode
SAP Secondary Audio Program; Generally
used to transmit audio in a second
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
SC SandCastle: two-level pulse derived
from sync signals
SCART Syndicat des Constructeurs
d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et
Téléviseurs; This is a 21-pin connector
used in EU, that carries various audio,
video, and control signals (it is also
called Péritel connector)
SCAVEM Scan Velocity Modulation; Advanced
beam control technology, which
results in sharper edges on all images
for outstanding clarity
SC1-OUT SCART output of the MSP audio IC
SC2-B-IN SCART2 Blue in
SC2-C-IN SCART2 chrominance in
SC2-OUT SCART output of the MSP audio IC
S/C Short Circuit
SCL Serial Clock signal on I
C bus
SCL-F Serial CLock signal on Fast I
C bus
SD Standard Definition
SDA Serial Data line of I
C bus
SDA-F Data Signal on Fast I
C bus
SDM Service Default Mode
SDAM Service Default / Alignment Mode
SDRAM Synchronous DRAM
SECAM SÉquence Couleur Avec Mémoire;
Colour system mainly used in France
and East Europe. The chroma is FM
modulated and the R-Y and B-Y
signals are transmitted line
sequentially. Colour carriers=
4.406250 MHz and 4.250000 MHz
STATUS2 SVHS Selection Signal
SIF Sound Intermediate Frequency
SIMM Single In-line Memory Module; 80-fold
connector between LSP and SSB
SL Single In-line Memory Module; 80-fold
connector between LSP and SSB
SLDP Smart Local Dooming Prevention (HW
and SW)
SMC Surface Mounted Component
SMPS Switched Mode Power Supply
SNDL-SC1-IN Sound left SCART1 in
SNDL-SC1-OUT Sound left SCART1 out
SNDL-SC2-IN Sound left SCART2 in
SNDL-SC2-OUT Sound left SCART2 out
SNDR-SC1-IN Sound right SCART1 in
SNDR-SC1-OUT Sound right SCART1 out
SNDR-SC2-IN Sound right SCART2 out
SNDR-SC2-OUT Sound right SCART2 out
SNDS-VL-OUT Surround sound left variable level out
SNDS-VR-OUT Surround sound right variable level out
SNERT Synchronous No parity Eight bit
Reception and Transmission
SOG Sync On Green
SOPS Self Oscillating Power Supply
SOUND-ENABLE Control line to do hardware mute or
un-mute of loudspeakers.
SS Small Screen
STANDBY (POR) Signal coming from Main Supply
informing the supply is switching "off"
STATUS Status signal from pin 8 of SCART
SVHS Super Video Home System
SW Software or Subwoofer or Switch
TBD To Be Defined
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TILT PWM Output signal (variable DC level)
to control the picture tilt from the DOP
block of the ADOC.
TXT Teletext; TXT is a digital addition to
analogue TV signals that contain
textual and graphical information (25
rows x 40 columns). The information is
transmitted within the first 25 lines
during the Vertical Blank Interval (VBI)
TXT-SW Teletext switch
U-100 U signal 1fH (after Feature Box)
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver
UBE Ultra Bass Enhancement
µC Microcontroller
UI User Interface
UOC Ultimate One Chip
µP Microprocessor
UV Colour difference signals
V V_sync
V-100 V_sync from Feature Box (2fH)
V-2FH Vertical sync input for the 2fH source.
VA50 Vertical Acquisition 1fH
V-AMP Vertical Amplitude DAC output
V-BAT Main supply for deflection (usually 141
VD-100 Vertical Drive 2fH; vertical sync pulse
from deflection
VD-NEG One of the symmetrical drive signals
for the DC frame output stage.
VD-POS One of the symmetrical drive signals
for the DC frame output stage
V-OSD Vertical sync OSD
VA Vertical Acquisition
VBI Vertical Blanking Interval; Time during
which the video signal is blanked when
going from bottom to top of the display
V-chip Violence chip. Adds content filtering
capabilities to NTSC video
VCR Video Cassette Recorder
VD Vertical Drive; Vertical sync pulse
coming from the Feature Box
VDS Virtual Dolby Surround
VERT Vertical Output pulse