10 EN
From the Home screen, you can access
functional menus by pressing the navigation
/ and .
To go back to previous screens, press
repeatedly; or, press and hold
to return
to the Home screen.
Switch between the Home screen and play
On the Home screen,
During music play or radio play,
Alternatively, press
and select [Now
playing] or[Last played].
On the play screen,
Press and hold
Select a theme
To select a theme for the display,
On the Home screen, press
select [Theme].
Lock/unlock the keys
When the player is on, use the lock to prevent
accidental operation.
Press and hold
/ to lock or unlock the
» All buttons except the volume keys are
locked and a lock icon is displayed.
With the earphones, SafeSound allows you to
listen to music in a safe way.
When you listen to music through the
earphones, the sound pressure on your
ears is estimated¹ based on the electrical
characteristics of the player and earphones.
Then, the estimate is compared against the
reference levels² of sound pressure. As a result,
icons of different colors can be displayed to
indicate status of sound pressure and the levels
of risks to hearing damage.
Level of sound
Maximum duration
more than 90
30 minutes a day
85 to 90 decibels 2 hours a day
80 to 85 decibels 5 hours a day
safe more than 5 hours
a day
¹The methodology is based on European norm (50332-
²The reference levels come from the minimum
requirement for health and safety that the European
directive 2003/10/EC provides for the noises exposed
to individuals.
Use the SafeSound
1 Make sure that you have plugged the
earphones into the player.
2 On the music play screen, press / .
» The volume screen is displayed.
3 On the volume screen, press to select
the SafeSound options.
For the information about SafeSound options, see
'SafeSound' (see 'SafeSound' on page 24).