30 EN
Add to Philips Songbird
To transfer songs from Rhapsody to Philips
Songbird, add the songs to a playlist in Philips
Songbird (see 'Create playlists in Philips
Songbird' on page 30).
On the Rhapsody webpage,
To add the entire playlist to Philips
Songbird, click
Add All;
To add a song to Philips Songbird, select
the song and click
next to it.
Create playlists in Philips
With a playlist, you can manage and sync your
songs as needed.
Create a playlist
Select songs that you want to play. Add the
songs to a playlist.
1 In Library > Music, select songs.
To select multiple songs, hold down
the Ctrl button when you click songs.
2 To add the songs to a playlist:
Right click on the songs, and select
Add to Playlist;
Select a playlist;
» The songs are added to the playlist.
To create a playlist, select New Playlist.
» A new playlist is created for the
» Under Playlists, name the playlist
as needed.
Create a playlist. Add selected songs to the