Chapter 12 Glossary
Term/Acronym Denition
Mandatory Breath A Mandatory Breath is completely controlled by the ventilator.
Breaths are initiated by the ventilator according to the breath
Rate (BPM) setting. Breaths are cycled according to the Inspiratory
time setting.
MAP Mean Airway Pressure. This is the average airway pressure over
a full breath cycle. The MAP value displayed on the screen
represents the average MAP value over six breaths and is updated
at the end of each exhalation.
Minute Ventilation The volume of gas that moves in and out of the lungs in one
minute. It is calculated by multiplying the tidal volume by the
respiratory rate. The Minute Ventilation value displayed on the
screen represents the average Minute Ventilation over six breaths
and is updated at the end of each exhalation.
Operational Hours This is the total number of hours that the blower has been on
since this value was last reset. You can reset this value each time
you give the device to a new patient to help track their device
OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea
PC Pressure Control therapy mode; PC mode delivers Assisted and
Mandatory breaths with a user-dened pressure. This is a Pressure
Control mode.
PC SIMV Pressure Control Synchronous Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
therapy mode; PC-SIMV mode delivers Spontaneous, Assisted,
and Mandatory breaths. This is a Pressure Control mode.
Peak Flow Maximum ow rate (in liters per minute) reached during a breath.
Peak Inspiratory
Pressure (PIP)
Highest pressure reached during inspiration.