Trilogy200 clinical manual
Monitor Screen Indicators
This section describes the following indicators:
• Monitor Panel Indicators
• Measured Settings Panel Indicators
• Status Panel Indicators
Monitor Panel Indicators
All of the indicators that may appear on the Monitor Panel are
described in detail in the following table.
Indicator Description
Prescription If you set up a dual prescription for the patient, the words
“Primary” or “Secondary” appear in the top left corner of the panel
to indicate which prescription is active.
Therapy Mode The current therapy mode displays at the top of the panel (for
example, CPAP, S, S/T, etc.). If a special feature such as Flex, AVAPS,
or Sigh is active, this feature will appear next to the therapy
Date and Time If you are in Detailed view, the current date and time appear
in the top right corner of the panel. (In Detailed View O, they
appear in the center panel.)
Patient Breath This symbol displays during a patient-triggered breath.
Airway Pressure
Manometer and
Peak Pressure
The manometer (bar graph) displays the airway pressure in the
patient circuit at all times. The manometer bar moves to the
right as pressure increases during inhalation, and moves to the
left as pressure decreases during exhalation. The peak pressure
is also indicated on this bar. It is positioned according to the
maximum patient pressure reached during each breath. The Peak
Pressure symbol appears as a blue bar on the manometer. If a
High Inspiratory Pressure alarm occurs, the Peak Pressure symbol
changes from blue to red.
Note: Dashes on the display
screen indicate that the device
was unable to compute the
parameters. For example, when
the device is rst connected to a
patient, the tidal volume, minute
ventilation, and leak may be
dashed until the device is able
to accurately calculate these
patient parameters.