You can control the Bluetooth audio player
featuring Bluetooth wireless technology.
p Before using the Bluetooth audio player,
you need to register and connect the device
to this navigation system.
= For details, refer to Registering your Blue-
tooth devices on page 63.
p Depending on the Bluetooth audio player
connected to this navigation system, the
available operations with this navigation
system are limited to the following two le-
— A2DP profile (Advanced Audio Distribu-
tion Profile): Only playing back songs on
your audio player is possible.
— A2DP profile and AVRCP profile (Audio/
Video Remote Control Profile): Playing
back, pausing, selecting songs, etc., are
p Since there are a number of Bluetooth
audio players available on the market, op-
erations with your Bluetooth audio player
using this navigation system vary greatly in
range. Please refer to the instruction man-
ual that came with your Bluetooth audio
player as well as this manual while operat-
ing your player on this navigation system.
p While you are listening to songs on your
Bluetooth audio player, please refrain from
operating your cellular phone as much as
possible. If you try operating on your cellu-
lar phone, the signal from your cellular
phone may cause a noise on the song play-
p Even if you switch to another source while
listening to a song on your Bluetooth audio
player, the playback of song continues to
p Depending on the Bluetooth audio player
you connected to this navigation system,
operations on this navigation system to
control the player may differ from those ex-
plained in this manual.
p When you are talking on a cellular phone
connected to this unit via Bluetooth wire-
less technology, song playback from your
Bluetooth audio player connected to this
unit is paused.
Starting procedure
1 Display the AVoperation screen.
= For details of the operations, refer to Dis-
playing the AVoperation screen onpage 77.
2 Tap [Audio] on the left edge of the
screen to display the “Audio” screen.
3 Use the touch panel keys on the screen
to control the Bluetooth audio player.
= For details, refer to Using the touch panel
keys on page 131.
Reading the screen
1 Playback condition indicator
Indicates the current playback condition if the
connected Bluetooth audio player features
AVRCP 1.3.
! Playing files in random order
Indicator: Meaning
Does notplay files inrandom
Plays allaudio files inthe cur-
rent repeatplay range inran-
dom order.
! Setting a repeat play range
Using the Bluetooth audio player
Using the Bluetooth audio player