If you have problems operating your navigation system, refer to this section. The most common
problems are listed below, along with likely causes and solutions. If a solution to your problem
cannot be found here, contact your dealer or the nearest authorized Pioneer service facility.
Problems with the navigation screen
Symptom Cause Action (Reference)
The powerdoesn’t turn on.The
navigation systemdoesn’t oper-
Leads andconnectorsare incor-
rectly connected.
Confirm oncemorethat all connectionsare
The fuseis blown. Rectify thereason forthe fuse blowing,then
replace thefuse. Be very sureto install acor-
rect fusewith the samerating.
Noise andother factors are causing
the built-inmicroprocessorto oper-
ate incorrectly.
Park your vehiclein a safeplace, and turnoff
the engine.Turn theignition key backto Acc
off. Thenstart the engineagain, and turnthe
power tothe navigation systemback on.
Youcannotposition your vehicle
on themap without asignificant
positioning error.
The GPSantenna is inan unsuitable
The qualityof signals fromthe GPS satellites
is poor, causing reducedpositioning accu-
racy. Checkthe GPS signalreception and the
position ofthe GPS antenna ifnecessary.
Obstacles areblockingsignals from
the satellites.
The qualityof signals fromthe GPS satellites
is poor, causing reducedpositioning accu-
racy. Checkthe GPS signalreception and the
position ofthe GPS antenna ifnecessary, or
continue drivinguntilreceptionimproves.
Keep theantenna clear.
The positionof satellites relativeto
your vehicle isinadequate.
The qualityof signals fromthe GPS satellites
is poor, causing reducedpositioning accu-
racy. Continue drivinguntil reception im-
Signals fromthe GPS satelliteshave
been modifiedto reduce accuracy.
(GPS satellitesare operated bythe
US Departmentof Defense, andthe
US governmentreserves the rightto
distort positioning datafor military
reasons. Thismay lead togreater
positioning errors.)
The qualityof signals fromthe GPS satellites
is poor, causing reducedpositioning accu-
racy. Waituntil reception improves.
If avehicle phone orcellular phone
is usednear the GPSantenna, GPS
reception maybe lost temporarily.
The qualityof signals fromthe GPS satellites
is poor, causing reducedpositioning accu-
racy. Whenusing a cellularphone, keep the
antenna of thecellular phone awayfrom the
GPS antenna.