
Using Your Polar Cycling Computer in Water
The wrist unit may be worn when swimming. It is not, however, a diving
instrument. To maintain water resistance, do not press the buttons of
the wrist unit under water. When measuring heart rate in water, you may
experience interference for the following reasons:
• Poolwaterwithahighchlorinecontentandseawaterarevery
conductive. The electrodes of a transmitter may short-circuit,
preventing ECG signals from being detected by the transmitter.
• Jumpingintowaterorastrenuousmusclemovementduring
competitive swimming may shift the transmitter to a location on the
body where ECG signals cannot be picked up.
• TheECGsignalstrengthisindividualandmayvarydependingonthe
individual’s tissue composition. Problems occur more frequently when
measuring heart rate in water.
Electromagnetic Interference and Exercise Equipment
• Disturbancesmayoccurnearhigh-voltagepowerlines,trafclights,
overhead lines of electric railways, electric bus lines or trams,
televisions, car motors, bike computers, some motor driven exercise
equipment, cellular phones, or when you walk through electric
security gates.
• Toavoiderraticreadings,moveawayfrompossiblesourcesof
• Severalpiecesofexerciseequipmentwithelectronicorelectrical
components such as LED displays, motors, and electrical brakes
may cause interfering stray signals. To tackle these problems,
try the following:
1. Remove the transmitter from your chest and use the exercise
equipment as you would normally.
2. Move the wrist unit around until you find an area in which it
displays no stray reading or does not flash the heart symbol.
Interference is often worst right in front of the display panel of the
equipment, while the left or right side of the display is relatively
free of disturbance.
3. Put the transmitter back on your chest and keep the wrist unit
in this interference-free area as much as possible.
• Ifthecyclingcomputerstilldoesnotworkwiththeexerciseequipment,
this piece of equipment may be electrically too noisy for wireless
heart rate measurement.
When in non-coded mode, the wrist unit picks up transmitter signals
within 1 m / 3ft. Simultaneous non-coded signals from more than one
transmitter can cause an incorrect reading.
• Ifanotherpersonwithacyclingcomputeroraheartratemonitor
is causing interference, move away from that person and continue
your exercise normally.
• Alternatively,toavoidotherpeople’sheartratesignals:
1. Take the transmitter off your chest for 30 seconds. Move away
from the other device.
2. Put the transmitter back on and bring the cycling computer up to
your chest near the transmitter’s Polar logo. The cycling computer
will start looking for a heart rate signal again. Continue your
exercise normally.
To avoid crosstalk from another cyclist with a speed sensor, keep a
distance of at least one meter between your cycling computer and the
speed sensor of the other cyclist.