
What should I do if...
appears and the wrist unit battery must be replaced?
See the chapter Care and Maintenance for further instructions.
...I do not know where I am in the menu?
Press and hold
until the time is displayed.
...there are no reactions to any buttons?
Reset the wrist unit by pressing all the buttons simultaneously for two
seconds. Set the time and date in Basic Settings after the reset. All
other settings are saved. Skip the rest of the settings by pressing and
...the cycling computer does not measure the calories?
Burnt calories are calculated only when you are wearing the transmitter.
...another person with a cycling computer or a heart rate monitor is
causing interface?
Consult the chapter Precautions.
...the heart rate reading becomes erratic, extremely high or shows
nil (00)?
• Makesurethewristunitisnofurtherthan1m/3ftfrom
the transmitter.
• Makesurethetransmitterbelthasnotloosenedduringexercise.
• Makesurethetextileelectrodesinsportsappareltsnugly.
• Makesurethattheelectrodesofthetransmitter/sportsapparelare
• Makesurethetransmitter/electrodesinthesportsapparelareclean
and undamaged.
• Makesurethatthereisnootherheartratetransmitterwithin
1 m / 3 ft.
• Strongelectromagneticsignalscancauseerraticreadings.
See Precautions.
• Iftheerraticheartratereadingcontinuesdespitemovingaway
from the source of disturbance, slow down your speed and check your
pulse manually. If you feel it corresponds to the high reading
on the display, you may be experiencing cardiac arrhythmia.
Most cases of arrhythmia are not serious, but consult your doctor
• AcardiaceventmayhavealteredyourECGwaveform.Inthiscase,
consult your physician.
• Iftheheartratemeasurementdoesnotworkwiththesportsapparel,
try measuring with WearLink strap. If your heart rate can be found
with the strap, the problem is most probably in the apparel. Please
contact the apparel retailer/manufacturer.
• Ifyouhavedonealltheabovementionedactions,andheartrate
measurement does not work, the battery of your transmitter may be
empty. For further information see chapter Care and maintenance.