17. Set the nitrogen tank pressure regulator to 200 -
205 PSI.
18. Insert the Foxt Charging Needle (PN 7052069)
and charge with nitrogen to 200 PSI. Pull the
needle straight outward and remove from the
pressurizing valve while holding the pressure
hose on the fitting. Do not insert the needle again
to check pressure as the volume inside the gauge
will reduce pressure in the shock.
19. As a final check, push the damper rod through a
full stroke. The damper rod must bottom out at full
travel, and then slowly rise to full extension. Shaft
movement must be smooth and consistent
throughout the entire compression and rebound
stroke, without binding or loss of damping.
20. To check for leaks, submerge the shock in water
and look for bubbles or oil seepage around the
bearing and body caps.
21. When reinstalling shocks on the machine, torque
only to required specifications. If the shock is
over tightened it will not pivot, possibly resulting in
damage to shaft and seals.
22. When installing IFS shocks, tighten top mount
first. Pivot shock body into lower mount and
determine if spacer washers are necessary to
prevent twist or side loading of shock.
Suspension assemblies should always be moved
through entire travel without springs to verify free
movement and proper alignment of all
If shock eyelet is removed for damper rod replacement, clean threads of eye-
let and damper rod thoroughly with Loctitet Primer N. Apply Loctitet 262
to threads before assembly.
Damper Rod Holding
Tool (PN 2871352)
Top Shock Eyelet
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