1. Ilustration 1: Place the the throttle side of the
carburetor on a level surface to remove weight
from float arm. In this position, the float tongue
will rest slightly outward.
Carburetor Level
Float Outward
Ill. 1
2. Illustration 2: With the carburetor still resting on
the level surface, use one hand to slightly tilt the
carburetor back. The float will then fall into the
correct position, with the float tongue resting
lightly on the inlet needle valve pin without
compressing the spring. The bottom of the float
should be parallel with the float bowl mating
surface. Illustation 3: NOTE: If the float is past
parallel with the mating surface, the carburetor
has been tilted back too far and the float tongue is
likely compressing the needle valve pin.
Float Parallel with Float
Bowl Mating Surface
13--14 mm
Ill. 2
Float Too Far Inward
Ill. 3
3. Measure the height from the float bowl mating
surface to the top of step of the float as shown in
Illustration 2. Both sides of float should be parallel
to each other. The measurement should be made
at the mid-point on top of the float using Float
Adjustment Tool (PN 2872314) or a vernier
caliper. When measuring the height, be sure the
inlet needle valve spring is not compressed.
Float Bowl Height: 13--14 mm
4. If adjustment is necessary, bend the tongue
slightly. Be sure float measurement is even on left
and right side.
Bend to adjust float
Float arms even
1. Install the float bowl. Invert the carburetor and
install a Mity-Vact (PN 2870975) to the fuel inlet
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