Chapter 9-Conference and Participant Monitoring
2 Click the Advanced tab.
The Conference Properties - Advanced dialog box opens.
Max Number of
Indicates the total number of participants that can be
connected to the conference. The Automatic setting
indicates the maximum number of participants that
can be connected to the MCU according to resource
availability. Irrespective of resource availability, the
maximum number of video participants is 160.
Enable ISDN/
PSTN Network
When selected, ISDN/PSTN participants can dial into
the conference.
Network Service
When the Enable ISDN/PSTN Network Service
is selected, displays the default Network Service.
Dial-in Number (1) Displays the conference dial in number.
Dial-in Number (2) Displays the conference dial in number.
Table 9-1 Conference Properties - General (Continued)
Field Description