Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
The MCU sends the entire CDR file via API or HTTP, and the RMX 2000
or external application does the processing and sorting. The RMX 2000
ignores events that it does not recognize, that is, events written in a higher
version that do not exist in the current version. Therefore, to enable
compatibility between versions, instead of adding new fields to existing
events, new fields are added as separate events, so as not to affect the
events from older versions. This allows users with lower versions to
retrieve CDR files that were created in higher versions.
This appendix describes the fields and values in the unformatted CDR records.
Although the formatted files contain basically the same information, in a few
instances a single field in the unformatted file is converted to multiple lines in the
formatted file, and in other cases, multiple fields in the unformatted file are
combined into one line in the formatted file.
In addition, to enable compatibility for applications that were written for the MGC
family, the unformatted file contains fields that were supported by the MGC
family, but are not supported by the RMX 2000, whereas these fields are omitted
from the formatted file.