4. Using The Presentation Wizard
4.1 Presentation Wizard Overview
The Presentation Wizard is used to prepare a presentation and to configure the
presentation for live or on demand distribution. Among other tasks, the
Presentation Wizard is used to:
z Import Microsoft PowerPoint slides and convert the slides for distribution
over the Internet
z Choose an interface in which the presentation will be displayed that
determines both the look and feel as well as the functionality, such as polling
and closed captioning, that will be included in a presentation
z Provide server locations for the streaming and non-streaming assets that will
be distributed during the presentation if the presentation is being published to
the Web
Many of the functions included in the Presentation Wizard are optional and affect
the layout and aesthetics of the presentation interface. The Example Interface
(below) can be used as a reference when deciding what functionality to include.
Example Interface
An optional branded logo
and URL can be added to
the interface.
4.2 Using the Presentation Wizard
When the Presentation Wizard is first launched, the “General Information” page
will be displayed (See Figure 4-1).
Email Presenter
Enable the audience to email
questions and comments to the
The slide window also can
contain URLs.
Titles & Text
Customize the interface with
titles and sub-titles text e,g
speaker title & bios.
Slide Navigation
Slide navigation can be included at
the Presenter’s discretion.