Main Screen:
The “Main” screen is used to set presenter and administrator passwords and, if
necessary, to view an error log. Click Passwords & Settings (See Figure 4-78).
Fig. 4-78
The PE-Controller Configuration window will appear (See Figure 4-79).
Fig. 4-79
The PE-Controller Configuration screen is used to enable Accordent
PresenterPRO to configure and control the encoders remotely. The PE-Controller
Configuration screen includes the following fields:
• Password: The Password field is used to set the Presenter password, which
gives a presenter the ability to start, stop and synchronize with the encoder
through Accordent PresenterPRO.
• Admin Password: The Admin Password field is used to configure specific
encoding sessions. This password is required if Accordent PresenterPRO will
be used to configure encoding sessions remotely.
: Both passwords are required.
Once the Password and Admin Password fields have been completed, it is
necessary to specify whether the PE Controller will run from a local system
account or from a custom account (See Figures 4-80 and 4-81).
Fig. 4-80 Fig. 4-81
Note: It is rare that a custom account will be used unless the Local System