MGC Personal Scheduler Quick Start Guide
Table 3-1 describes the signature fields.
Table 3-1: E-mail Signature Fields
Field Description
Conference dial in
number is:
This is the conference dial-in number.
This number is defined in the
MCU Properties dialog
box. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Adding a
New MCU” on page 2-10”.
Conference IP dial
in number is:
This is the conference IP dial in number. It is composed
of the IP prefix and the conference name on the MCU.
The IP prefix is defined in the
MCU Properties dialog
box. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Adding a
New MCU” on page 2-10”.
Conference Entry
This is the password used by conference participants to
access a conference via the Entry Queue or IVR Queue.
Conference name
on bridge:
This is the name of the conference as it appears in the
WebCommander site. The name is an automatically
generated number.
Conference ID A Conference ID is a unique number (Numeric ID)
assigned to a conference identifying it to the system. It
can be used by the participants to be routed and to
access the conference.
A Conference ID can be assigned in two ways: Automatic
or Manual.
To manually assign the Conference Numeric ID, use the
number of digits defined in the appropriate flag in the
System.cfg file.
If the Conference Numeric ID is already in use in another
conference, an error message will be displayed.
If left blank and the MCU is configured to assign one
once the conference is saved to the MCU.
If the MCU is configured to support only automatic
assignment of Numeric Conference IDs, then this field is
disabled and the system will automatically assign a
Numeric Conference ID after you save the conference on
the MCU.