Installation and Configuration
After the Administrator installs the MGC Personal Scheduler package, he/
she configures the Client software for deployment for end-user installation.
Personal Scheduler is configured solely by the Administrator; there is no
configuration required on the part of the end-user.
After Personal Scheduler is configured, the Administrator sends the
Personal Scheduler Client application by e-mail or can use the automatic
Client installation. The Personal Scheduler client is automatically installed
when the end-user runs (double-clicks) the attachment. For more
information, see “MGC Personal Scheduler Software Installation” on
page 2-2.
Administrator installation and configuration of Personal Scheduler includes:
• Personal Scheduler Software Installation
• SQL Database Configuration (if an SQL Database is used)
• MGC Web Server Manager Configuration
— Connecting to the Server
— Adding MCUs
— Connecting MCUs
— Personal Scheduler Configuration
• Template Management
• Client Application Administrator Installation (optional)
• Client Application Deployment