Chapter 6 - Testing and Troubleshooting
© Polycom, Inc. 111
Indicator Lamps on the Quad BRI Network Interface Module
The Quad BRI network interface module uses pairs of indicator
lamps associated with each BRI line to provide status indications.
The table below shows the meanings of the LED pair associated with
one line. Note that the lines in use may not always display the same
status. If this is the case, you should investigate the cause. .
Red and yellow
LEDs on
Receiving clock sync, and receiving AIS Alarm
Indication Signal (unframed all-ones)
Green LED on System fully synchronized with the network and
ready to use
Table 6-2. PRI indicator lamps - Peripheral side
Lamp behavior Meaning
Amber LED on Booting (brief) or starting software update (over
60 seconds)
Amber and green
LEDs on
Software update in progress
Green LED on Ready
a. If the PRI network interface module is connected to an external
power source, the green LED turns on after several seconds, even
if the peripheral link cable is not connected.
Table 6-3. Quad BRI Indicator Lamps
Indication Meaning
Green LED Off = no connection to the switch, or no clock
On = clock is synchronized with the switch
Yellow LED Off = in reset mode, booting
On = active
Both LEDs on Normal operation
Table 6-1. PRI indicator lamps - Network side (Continued)
Lamp behavior Meaning