
Integrators’ Reference Manual for ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000
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RS-232 Interface
The RS-232 interface allows users to connect a ViewStation EX,
ViewStation FX, or VS4000 to a PC. This provides a means of access
to the ARENA API, which allows users to automate some of the
systems’ control features. Refer to the ViewStation EX, ViewStation
FX, and VS4000 ARENA API Programmer’s Guide for information
about this API.
The RS-232 interface also makes it possible to use the system as a
peripheral device for an RS-232 host.
Figure 2-1 shows the RS-232 cable for the ViewStation EX and
Viewstation FX systems.
Figure 2-1. RS-232 Cable for ViewStation EX and FX