Feature Reference
AA (Automated Attendant) Extensions (#607)
This System Programming procedure lets you identify extensions where auto
attendants are connected to the system. Doing so lets the system notify users
with display phones when they are receiving a call that has been transferred from
the auto attendant. (This procedure applies only to auto attendants—do not use it
with the Automated Attendant Service of a voice messaging system.)
Related Features
■ For each auto attendant extension, use Transfer Return Extension (#306)
to identify the extension to which a call should be routed if the destination
extension does not answer.
■ Set Automatic Extension Privacy (#304) to Not Assigned for the auto
attendant extension if you want to be able to intercept calls routed to the
■ Chapter 4 provides information about using auto attendants with the
■ On system display phones, Automated Attendant displays when a call is
being transferred from an auto attendant. Transfer from AA or Transfer from
Auto Att displays when a call transferred by an auto attendant was not
answered and is being returned to your extension.
Valid Entries
1 = Assigned
2 = Not Assigned
(See Figure 2-3 on page 2-22 for the location of special programming buttons such
s and e on system phones.)