Caller ID Type (#122)
Caller ID Type (#122)
This System Programming procedure can be set for Singapore or USA operation.
USA Operation
Caller ID normally displays the number from which the incoming call is coming,
replacing the system date and time display on system phones for the duration of
the call. An out-of-area message (- - - - - - - - - - - -) displays if a call is being dialed
from a region that does not support Caller ID. A privacy message (Priv.) displays if
the caller has blocked transmission of Caller ID information.
Singapore Operation
Caller ID normally displays the number from which the incoming call is coming.
When there is no incoming number, the system detects a “P” or an “O” in the
“reason for DN (Directory Number) absence” field, and substitutes the information
sent by the local telephone company Central Office in the Name parameter field:
■ If the name is supplied, the system displays it.
■ If the name is not supplied, either
or - - - - - - - - - - - - is displayed.
Related Features
■ The Caller ID Name Display feature affects whether the caller’s name is
displayed (if available) instead of the caller’s number.
■ Caller ID Inspect enables you to view Caller ID information for a second
line while remaining active on the first call.
■ Refer to Caller ID for details on Caller ID information.
■ The Caller ID Type you set applies to the entire system.
■ A change to the Caller ID Type setting takes effect when the next Caller ID
call comes into the system.
Valid Entries
1 = USA ✔
2 = Singapore
(See Figure 2-3 on page 2-22 for the location of special programming buttons such
s and e on system phones.)