© Polycom, Inc. Index - 1
limiting 4-4, 4-17
user skill levels 4-2
additional equipment
document camera 2-18, 2-20
encryption 1-3
monitor 1-13, 2-21
optical dialing isolator 1-3
projector 1-3, 1-12
PTZ camera 2-20
second microphone pod 1-11, 2-16
second monitor 1-3, 1-13
second PowerCam camera 2-19
Visual Concert FX 1-4
gatekeeper 3-2, 3-11
IP 3-2, 3-6
ISDN 3-2
Address Book
See also Global Address Book
deleting entries 7-7
dialing rules 3-25
editing entries 5-4
managing access to 4-2
saving files 5-5
transferring entries 5-5
Utility 5-4
Admin Setup screens 4-2, 7-2
user setup options 4-4
administrator password 3-3, 4-2, 4-23
forgotten 4-2
screens requiring 4-3
setting 4-2
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 1-2
Advanced Statistics screen 6-3, 7-3
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 1-2
directory updates 4-5, 4-17
mixed calls 4-5
remote access 4-23
user access 4-2, 4-4
user customization 4-17
answer mode 4-21
Asian fonts, displaying 2-5
configuring 4-11
confirmation of remote control entries 4-17
customization 1-2
data rate 6-3
mixer 1-2, 2-25
protocol 6-3
quality 7-20
subwoofer 1-2
troubleshooting 7-18
volume 4-11, 7-20
Audio Meter screen 7-6
auto-answer 4-4, 4-16, 4-21
muting 4-4
backlight compensation 4-4, 4-6
configuring LAN speed 3-6
determining requirements A-2
dynamic 3-13
managing 3-10
video quality 1-2
batteries, remote control 2-9
audio, designing 4-11
system, designing 4-16
video, designing 4-7
network interface module 1-11
BRI network 2-11
browser management. See remote management
browser recommendation 3-3
coaxial adapter for PRI 2-13
crossover to PBX 2-13
infrared sensor 7-13
PRI network 2-11, 7-14
log 6-5
progress indicators 6-3