Administrator’s Guide for ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000
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Keeping your Software Current
If you have Internet access, you can use the web-based Softupdate application to
upgrade the system software. If you do not have Internet access, your reseller can
supply you with the updated software on CD-ROM.
Before you begin, read the Release Notes, available at www.polycom.com/videosoftware,
for the latest information about your software version.
The following diagram shows the overall process of updating software.
The following table describes how to update your system.
Update your system
Update additional systems
To complete this task... In this way... Do this:
Install the software update
application on a computer
From the software CD Place the CD in your computer’s CD drive.
From the web 1. Open a browser and go to www.polycom.com.
2. Go to the Software Downloads area and
navigate to your product.
3. Select the appropriate Release Code.
4. Log in to the Polycom Resource Center.
5. Navigate to the ViewStation EX, FX, and
VS4000 Downloads and select the current
software release.
6. When the system prompts you to open or save
the file, click Save.
7. In the Save As window, click Save to place the
.zip file on your desktop, or specify where to
save it.
8. Open the .zip file and extract softupdate.exe.