Chapter 3: Setup
• VTrak Setup with CLI or CLU (below)
• VTrak Setup with WebPAM PROe (page 22)
VTrak Setup with CLI or CLU
After installation, the next step is to configure VTrak.
To set date, time and IP addresses, you must use the Command Line Interface
(CLI) or the Command Line Utility (CLU).
For disk array creation, you can use the CLI, CLU or WebPAM PROe.
This Chapter only deals with basic functions needed to setup a new VTrak. For a
full discussion of VTrak functions, refer to WebPAM PROe on page 37 and the
CLU on page 119.
VTrak has a Command Line Interface (CLI) to manage all of its functions,
including customization. A subset of the CLI is the Command Line Utility (CLU), a
user-level interface that manages your VTrak via your PC’s terminal emulation
program, such as Microsoft HyperTerminal.
1. Change your terminal emulation program to match the following settings:
• Bits per second: 115200
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: none
2. Start your PC’s terminal VT100 or ANSI emulation program.
3. Press Enter once to launch the CLI.
4. At the Login prompt, type administrator and press Enter.
5. At the Password prompt, type password and press Enter.
At this point, you are in the CLI. You can continue using the CLI to make
network settings or you can switch to the CLU.
• CLI (page 18)
• CLU (page 19)