Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PROe
5. Click the Submit button.
The Subsystem–Lock tab displays lock status and enables you to lock or unlock
a subsystem controller. The lock prevents other sessions (including by the same
user) from making a configuration change to the controller until the lock expires
or a forced unlock is done. When the user who locked the controller logs out, the
lock is automatically released.
You can set the lock to last from one minute to one day. You can also release the
lock before the scheduled time.
View Lock Status
To view the lock status for this subsystem:
1. Click on the Subsystem icon Tree View.
2. Click on the Lock tab in Management View.
The following information is displayed:
• Lock Status – The User who set (owns) the current lock.
• Expiration Time – Amount of time left until the lock automatically
• Expire At Time – The date and time when the lock will automatically
Set Lock
To set the lock for this subsystem:
1. Click on the Subsystem icon Tree View.
2. Click on the Lock tab in Management View.
3. Click on the Lock option.
4. Enter a time interval between 1 and 1440 minutes (one day) that you want
the lock to stay active.
5. Click the Submit button.
Renew Lock
To renew an existing lock for this subsystem:
1. Click on the Subsystem icon Tree View.
2. Click on the Lock tab in Management View.
3. Click on the Renew option.
4. Enter a time interval between 1 and 1440 minutes (one day) that you want
the lock to stay active.
The renew time replaces the previous Expiration Time.