B – Command Line Interface
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59042-06 A B-61
NumberOfResets Number of times the switch has been
reset over its service life
ReasonForLastReset Action that caused the last reset
SWImageVersion (1) - build date Firmware image 1 version and build
date. This image occupies position 1 in
the flash memory.
SWImageVersion (2) - build date Firmware image 2 version and build
date. This image occupies position 2 in
the flash memory.
ActiveImageVersion - build date Firmware image and build date that is
active. This is the firmware image that is
currently running on the switch.
PendingImageVersion - build date Firmware image version and build date
that is pending. This image will become
active at the next reset or power cycle.
The pending firmware points to either
SWImageVersion (1) or (2).
ActiveConfiguration Name of the switch configuration that is
in use.
AdminState Switch administrative state
AdminModeActive Admin session status
BeaconOnStatus Beacon status as set by the Set Beacon
OperationalState Switch operational state
PrincipalSwitchRole Principal switch status. True indicates
that this switch is the principal switch.
BoardTemp (1) - Degrees Celsius Internal switch temperature at circuit
board sensor 1
BoardTemp (2) - Degrees Celsius Internal switch temperature at circuit
board sensor 2
SwitchDiagnosticsStatus Results of the power-on self test
SwitchTemperatureStatus Switch temperature status: normal,
warning, failure
Table B-16. Switch Operational Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description