
4 – Installation
Install Firmware
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Install Firmware
The switch comes with current firmware installed. You can upgrade the firmware
from the management workstation as new firmware becomes available. Firmware
installation involves loading the firmware image file onto the switch, unpacking the
image file, and then resetting the switch to activate the new firmware.
You can use the SANsurfer Switch Manager application or the CLI to install new
The SANsurfer Switch Manager application loads and unpacks the firmware
image file in one operation. Refer to ”Using SANsurfer Switch Manager to
Install Firmware” on page 4-19.
When using the CLI on a workstation that has an FTP server, you can open
a Telnet session and load and unpack the firmware image file using the CLI
Image command. Refer to ”Using the CLI to Install Firmware” on page 4-19.
When using the CLI on a workstation without an FTP server, you must open
an FTP session through the switch to load the image file, then open a Telnet
session to unpack it with the CLI Image command. Refer to ”Using FTP and
the CLI to Install Firmware” on page 4-20.
Note: You can load and activate version 4.1 firmware on an operating switch
without disrupting data traffic or having to re-initialize attached devices
under the following conditions:
The current firmware version is a 2.x, 3.x, or a 4.x version that
precedes the upgrade version.
No changes are being made to switches in the fabric including
powering up, powering down, disconnecting or connecting ISLs,
and switch configuration changes.
No port in the fabric is in the diagnostic state.
No zoning changes are being made in the fabric.
No changes are being made to attached devices including
powering up, powering down, disconnecting, connecting, and HBA
configuration changes.
Attempts to activate firmware before version 2.0 will be disruptive.
Ports that are stable when the non-disruptive activation begins, then
change states, will be reset. When the non-disruptive activation is
complete, SANsurfer Switch Manager sessions reconnect
automatically. However, Telnet sessions must be restarted manually.